gnat: DID you even read your article posted above THOROUGHLY???? Here's a quote from it:
"" In a paper last year, two economists estimated that 18 percent to 19 percent of income nationwide is not reported to the Internal Revenue Service. "The estimated $2 trillion of unreported income gives rise to and annual tax gap of $450 billion to $500 billion," wrote Richard Cebula, a professor of finance at Jacksonville University in Florida, and Edgar Feige, a professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
The underground economy runs on cash , which can't be traced....."
Anyone professing to be a Christian, would remember Jesus words, "Pay Caesar's things to Caesar..." It's very clear in this underground economy, Caesar is not getting paid his due tax, which puts the 'professed' Christian at odds against Christ and open for the government to come in and fine you for back taxes.
And I don't know how things work in Canada, but here in the U.S if you don't pay your property taxes, with CASH, the government TAKES your property and sells it for the back taxes due. When we sell items on Ebay, if we do not pay our sales tax to our state government then they take away our business license and fine us.
So truly, we are not free to use the barter system freely like you think we are. Most of that Bartering system is the Black Market as *Lost* so plainly explained it.